Great Works Spreadsheet

Here's a tool I use occasionally to assess my priorities and keep myself on track for (usually) a year. You can download a copy of it and change it "to your heart's content." The numbers help me understand the priorities of the projects on my agenda. The numbers in the sheet now were the actual numbers for last year; I just deleted the projects. So, I just toss the top 4-5 projects into the sheet in any order, and then start assigning numbers as described in the column headings and let that show me the priority of each one.

I generally use the chart for a year, and check in every few months to assess how I'm doing and find out what needs more attention.

The concept and column headings came mostly from a sermon by Pastor Chris Hoch at my local church sometime around New Years 2021. I'm not sure of his source.

Tim Isbell.

Great Works spreadsheet for posting