Believer Baptism

Once you put your trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and commit your life to his leadership, it is time for baptism.

The New Testament teaches that "believer baptism" is for those old enough to personally accept the gospel message. The term “believer baptism” differentiates it from the baptism of infants.

Believer baptisms generally occur in the presence of the church, friends, and family. Baptism gives us a physical way to identify with Christ, who himself was baptized in the Jordan River. It's normally accompanied by a verbal witness to Christ’s work and position in our lives. Though our salvation does not depend on baptism, there are no reasons why a follower of Christ would sidestep this ancient Christian sacrament. Submitting to the sacrament often opens our hearts for God to deepen His work in us. 

Once baptized, we do not need to be rebaptized even if we fall away for a substantial period. Most Protestant churches teach that baptism makes us members of the global Christian Church, but membership in a local church or church tradition is usually a separate matter. Also, most Christian traditions welcome believers to the Lord’s Supper, regardless of their baptism status.

There are several forms of believer baptism, all of which are usually administered by an official clergyperson. The forms include touching the head with a wet finger, sprinkling some water on the head, pouring a small amount of water on the head, or briefly immersing the believer underwater. When the person's health permits, Christian traditions generally prefer immersion.

Infant baptism or dedication?

There is no direct biblical basis for infant baptism. Indirect support presumes children were being baptized when the New Testament describes whole households getting baptized (Acts 10, 16:16-33, 18:7-8 ). So, many Protestant traditions dedicate infants, saving baptism for when the child is mature enough to make a personal decision. 

So, many traditions prefer to dedicate infants because of its emphasis on the commitment of the parents, family, and church to work together to raise the child to know Christ early. Whether a child is baptized or dedicated or neither, God’s grace saves a child if they die before reaching maturity. For example, in Deuteronomy 1:39, the children and the insane were excluded from the judgment. In 2 Samuel 12, David is confident that his dead infant son will go to heaven. The rationale is that the child or the mentally incompetent cannot understand right and wrong and, therefore, cannot reject righteousness, so God makes a special provision.

Regardless of whether you were baptized or dedicated as a child, it is important to be baptized as a believer.

A biblical example of baptism 

Matthew 3:13-17

This Scripture tells when Jesus came to John the Baptist and requested baptism. Since baptism was that important to Jesus and the normative initiation process from the early church until today,  we have good reason to continue practicing baptism.

Memory verse: Matthew 28:19


Getting ready for public baptism

At the time of baptism, it’s customary to read a Scripture and then add one or two sentences as your personal statement of faith. Your statement must affirm that Jesus Christ is your Savior and Lord. You can write out your testimony based on scriptures such as Romans 4.24-25, Romans 6.3-10, Romans 10.9, 1 Corinthians 15.3-8, or 1 Thessalonians 4.14.

Sometimes, there will be a time before entering the water for baptism when you give a short testimony. I usually ask those getting baptized to prepare to answer a question or two that go something like these:

Also, before entering the water, I like to have those being baptized lead the onlookers in speaking the Apostles Creed.

Typical liturgy for Christian baptism:

Once in the water, the process moves quickly. Here's the set of questions I ask as the physical baptizing occurs.

1.  Will you be baptized into Christian faith today?

Believer: I will.

2. Pastor: Do you acknowledge Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and do you realize that he saves you now?

Believer: I do.

3. Pastor: Are you committed to following Jesus Christ as you live in his Alternate Kingdom all the days of your life?

Believer: I will.

4.  Do you have any further statement of faith to share?

Believer: Provides a short testimony of Jesus' position in his/her life as both savior and Lord.

5. Do you understand that forgiveness and new life do not come from this water but are gifts from God?

Believer: Yes, I do.

6. Pastor: Buried in the likeness of his death (Believer is submerged for a moment, then as they are being raised...) and raised in the likeness of his resurrection, I pronounce you baptized in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

5. Pastor: asks someone (usually chosen by the person getting baptized) to pray for you before you leave the pool or place of baptism.

Of course, every church and pastor has its own way of preparing people for baptism and administering the sacrament. This webpage is just mine.

Sometimes I do baptisms other than by immersing the person below the water. The most common reason for me doing this is if the person is physically unable to get into a pool or baptismal or if the desire for baptism is urgent and there is no pool/baptismal available. 

Tim Isbell