Unstoppable Church - T. Keller

by Tim Isbell, Sept 2018

Timothy Keller is on my shortest "shortlist" of Christian thinkers, writers, and speakers. So when I heard he was coming to speak in Mountain View I immediately bought tickets. He spoke on September 6, 2018, in a lecture (his term) titled "The Unstoppable Church." 

My pastor sat next to me rapidly typing notes on his laptop. A couple of days later I borrowed his notes and filled in some gaps as I watched the video. Then I watched it a third time with my wife and polished the notes a bit more. 

Dr. Keller structured the talk into four parts: Why evangelize? Where evangelism happens. What is evangelism? And, how to evangelize. I would have come for just any one of these four, but the one that most impacts me is the third one, "Where...?" Here's a snapshot of his thinking on "Where." I hope it intrigues you enough to follow the link at the bottom of this webpage to the full notes of that evening, which include a link to the video. 

The room was full of Christian leaders, including many preachers. So Keller caught all our attention when he pointed out, "In the early church, the gospel did not primarily spread through preaching; it happened in the Oikos, where there are two factors present."

By "Oikos," Keller means

Or, in my vernacular, our FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, and Neighbors). Keller emphasized that the spreading of the good news is the natural fruit of the stewardship of our entire relational network. Now for the two factors.

The first factor: Our individual character traits

In the early church, individual Christians stood out in the culture because of their:

Until we are distinct in these ways nothing much will happen in our Oikos, either.

The second factor: Our community's character traits

The early church was known for certain characteristics, the combination of which distinguished it from the surrounding culture. Churches were: 

Keller pointed out that today we think of the first two as liberal characteristics and the last two as conservative. The middle one looks like neither. So, an authentic Christian community does not look like an extension of any political party; it is a unique community where the main (sometimes the only) thing they have in common is that they're followers of Jesus.

Then Keller added a third factor: Vulnerable  transparency

If you are a person of character, living in a church community of character, and you just don't hide who you are - then God will use you to extend the gospel of Jesus throughout your Oikos. Evangelism is not a program, it's the fruit of living as a follower of Jesus.

A caveat

I completely agree that the individual and communal characteristics in Keller's lists are essential to sharing the Gospel. But it's crucial to also understand that his lists are descriptive, not prescriptive. In other words, our willpower is incapable of building such characteristics into us or our communities. If these characteristics will ever describe us, it will only happen as we humbly invite the Spirit of Jesus to transform our hearts to beat like Jesus' heart. Christian hearts are not self-made. I know Keller understands this because he helped me understand it. It just doesn't happen to be the subject of this particular talk. 

So if you find Keller's lists attractive and want to understand how to put yourself in a place where such lists describe your life, check out Beyond Conversion 1. And for a longer list of the kinds of characteristics that this life leads to, check out Beyond Conversion Marks.

Here's the link to my notes of Keller's talk: Notes of Tim Keller's talk, "The Church is an Unstoppable Force". The link to the video is right at the top of the notes.



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