It's God's Initiative

This web page connects you to a single sermon that addresses the Alternate Life concept.

However, before you look through the preaching material for this sermon I recommend that you read through the overview material at Alternate Life Concepts. There you will also see a listing of other preaching options that address this same sort of material.

The first time I preached something in the Alternate Life area it was as part of another series: series: The 10 Big Ideas of Christian Faith. You'll find Alternate Life thinking in the seventh, eighth, and tenth sermons of that series. Later on I needed a 1-sermon version of this material and I built it from the 7th Big Idea: It's God's Initiative.  So, if you want to preach the Alternate Life in a single sermon, follow the 10 Big Ideas link and take a look at the 7th sermon in that series.

Blessings, Tim