2016-08-07 New Life Cupertino

Here are the worship notes for August 7, 2016. You can also reach this page by typing bit.ly/nl-blessing into any browser.

Prayer-time Teachable moment

This teaching lifted up the concept of praise, and to some extent thanksgiving, as valuable ways to begin our prayers. Some of these insights come from Timothy Keller's book: Prayer - Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God, chapter 12.

For more tips on developing a life of prayer, see Prayer-Time Teaching Moments.

Sermon: Practical Tips on Blessing

The sermon unpacked five elements of a blessing, then concluded with some reminders of how we are blessed and encouragement to pass our blessing along to others. Here's a top-level outline:

Gen 12.2

Elements of a blessing:

  1. Meaningful touch

  2. Spoken words

  3. Express their high intrinsic value

  4. Help them envision a favorable future

  5. Make an active commitment to them

Nobody ever blessed me, so who am I to bless someone else?

  • God blessed Abram in Gen 12.2, and he blessed him so that Abram would bless others.

  • And God blesses all followers of Jesus in Luke 12.32, and in many other passages and ways:

  • Eph 1.11: Because I am united with Christ, I have received an inheritance from God, for he chose me in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan.

  • Presence through the Holy Spirit

  • Life of purpose

  • Christian community

  • Written word

  • Eternal life in a resurrected body

  • God has revealed to us the answer to the mystery of where the world is headedSo, let’s be on the lookout for someone to bless.

To view or download the complete sermon notes, click on The Blessing.

The five elements of blessing come from a Smalley & Trent's book: The Blessing. For more about "word pictures" see Smalley & Trent's book: The Languages of Love.

