Quotes File

Compiled by Tim Isbell     Initially posted 1/14/2015, continually updated.

This web page contains my quotation file, gathered from personal reading over many years - and subject to ongoing additions. As I read a book or magazine, I jot a "Q" in the margin so I can return later and harvest that passage for my Quote File. Over the years, the file grew to more than 60 pages!

In addition to marking books with "Q's", I make a lot of other annotations (so you won't want to loan me any books!). For example, I underline a lot. When I want to underline many consecutive lines I generally put a vertical bar in the margin beside the text, sometimes assigning value to that annotation by adding one or more "*" or "+" symbols. I also scribble my thoughts in the margins, and sometimes the name of a person with whom I want to share the passage. After finishing a book, I generally re-scan my notations and gather my highlights, often writing them on the inside cover.  

You may wonder why go to all this trouble? Well, because... 

Navigating the Quote File

Here is my entire Quote File, somewhat organized but fully searchable. To search it, click on the link and...

Type a keyword or an author's name into any of these and your Search/Find function will quickly retrieve all pertinent quotes. 

I hope you enjoy - and benefit from - this treasure-house full of quotations!

Blessing, Tim

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