
"When it comes time to retire, you need to have a purpose in mind. You cannot merely retire from something, you must retire to something." - Howard Hendricks

Today I attended a meeting of licensed financial advisors who are connected by the Kingdom Advisors organization. The leader first asked each of us to introduce ourselves. I said something to the effect that after retiring from a career in electronics and business, and 20 years as a minister, I started building a website in 2010 to resource people. In 2013, I added a section on Personal Finance. 

The main part of today's meeting involved a recorded talk that unpacked "Eight Principles of Effective Wealth Transfer." The third principle stressed the importance of passing along the value of work to the next generation. In our subsequent discussion, someone mentioned an article by Howard Hendricks. I know and like Hendricks' writing so when I returned to my office, I googled until I found an essay he wrote titled "Rethinking Retirement." That's the source of the quote in the first paragraph above.

A few minutes later it occurred to me that I could have followed Hendricks advice and introduced myself much better. The truth is, I retired because the Lord prompted me to stop leading in order to move to his next assignment: a season focused on resourcing others. 

My website,, is a core part of my resourcing. It includes a section on retirement planning because financial resources are an important part of a fruitful retirement. It now has several helpful subpages, and I'll add more. 

All the best, Tim