Acts - Learning from the Early Church

Here's a helpful Book of Acts Timeline.

01 Acts Promise of the Spirit  (Acts 1.1-11)

02 Acts - First Christian Sermon  (Acts 2.14-28, 36-39)

03 Acts - Ministering to the Sick  (Acts 3.1-16)

04 Acts - Bold Witness  (Acts 4.1-31)

05 Acts - Authenticity & the Early Church  (Acts 4.32 - 5:11)

06 Acts - Stephen the Ultimate Christian Witness  (Acts 6.1-15; 7.54-8.1)

07 Acts - Philip & Simon the Sorcerer   (Acts 8.9-25)

08 Acts - Philip & the Ethiopian Official  (Acts 8.26-40)

09 Acts - Saul Becomes Saint Paul  (Acts 9.1-19a)

10 Acts - The Gospel is for All  (Acts 10.1-33)

11 Acts - God Answers Prayer (& the Theology of Suffering)  (Acts 12.1-19a)

12 Acts - The Word Spreads  (Acts 13.1-3, 42-52)

13 Acts - A Simple Gospel  (Acts 15.5-21)